Walks Near Dundee
If you live in and around Dundee, you might want to head out on a local walk that is within driving distance of Dundee, rather than going too far afield and spending the whole day on the road.
You’ll be pleased to know that there are plenty of places to explore outside of Dundee itself, so you can get out and explore the waterfront, beaches and green spaces you have accessible to you.
These walks and trails are all accessible by car within 30 minutes, so you can make a last-minute decision to head out for a few hours or plan one for the upcoming weekend.
When you live in a city, finding green spaces with spectacular views can be more difficult, but by heading out of the build up area,
Clatto Country Park
If you’re looking for a short walk, the trail around Clatto Reservoir is just 1.4km and is a circular route so ideal for walkers and runners.
The landscape is scenic in both winter and summer months and the paved path makes it easy for those with pushchairs and wheelchair users to get around.
You can park at the Clatto Country Park Visitor Centre and start your walk from there. If you want to make the walk even longer, head into Clatto Country Park and pick up one of the trails from there.
Driving distance from Dundee: 4.8 miles
Camperdown Country Park
Just a short distance further than Clatto Country Park, Camperdown Country Park is packed with things to do, including play areas for children, a house to explore and plenty of green space to explore.
Covering over 400 acres, Camperdown Country Park is the perfect place for a walk.
We recommend the Camperdown Tree Trail if you want to enjoy some of the 90 trees the park has to offer. This trail is great for those with young children as it can be quite educational.
Driving distance from Dundee: 7.2 miles
Tullybaccart Lochs and Craigs
If you want to get out further than the city and explore what the wild landscape has to offer, Tullybaccart Lochs and Craigs have stunning views across the rolling fells and lochs.
You can park just off the A923 (opposite Tullybaccart Farm) and start the route from here, which is just over 9.5km in distance.
The route itself overlooks 4 different lochs so it’s great for a weekend walk when you are not in a rush.
Driving distance from Dundee: 10.1 miles
Three Sidlaw Hills
As the name suggests, this route navigates through three hills; Auchterhouse Hill, Balluderon Hill and Craigowl Hill, so there’s spectacular views to be had during the entire walk.
You can park at Balkello Community Woodland and start your walk from here. The walk is only around 7km and should take no longer than 2 hours 15 minutes to complete, making it ideal for an afternoon jaunt.
Driving distance from Dundee: 7.5 miles
Tay Rail Bridge Circular
If you’re looking for a route with sea views, the Tay Rail Bridge Circular takes you over Tay Road Bridge onto the South side of the River Tay.
The 8km circular route starts at the end of Bay Road, Wormit and has views over the bridge, the monument and over the estuary.
This route offers different terrains and views, with the return part of the journey going through woodland and fields.
Driving distance from Dundee: 5.5 miles
Need a car for exploring?
If you are thinking about upgrading your car so you can get out and explore more places, you’re in the right place. Here at Struans, we are a main dealer for Peugeot and Mazda, so we can arrange a test drive of any of our brand new vehicles or quality used cars.
Simply get in touch and we will help find you the right car for your adventures.